We are convinced that a better society is possible. We are aware of the challenges posed by today’s society and are committed to actively collaborate to address them.
Corporate Social Responsibility
Any effort or initiative, no matter how small, can have a positive impact on society.

Within our "Omega in Action" and "Power of Probono" initiatives, we get involved with non-profit entities to do our bit to achieve their respective missions.
We do it in various ways, ranging from financial support through Omega en Acción initiatives, to the contribution of our human capital through our Power of Probono program, which consists of contributing our know-how and our commitment to help them face the challenges of this time, in which digital transformation acts as a catalyst for great social changes.
Our environment and the dynamic society in which we live sometimes make it difficult to reconcile our family responsibilities with our professional concerns.
That is why at Omega we try to make the difficult easy, through initiatives and dynamics to facilitate conciliation based on a philosophy of flexibility and balance that has always been promoted and is implicit in the company’s DNA.

Talent is not a matter of gender, but the lack of female professionals in the technology sector is still a reality today. As a technology company, we have a responsibility to contribute and promote change, so that the trend is different.
WO&MEN TECH is our initiative to help evolve the role of women in a sector with such high employability and potential as ours.
Aware of the fundamental role that education plays in this aspect, we collaborate with Inspiring Girls. An association created to inspire girls, who will be the women of the future, to learn about technological environments through our collaborators, women technologists, who share their experiences with them in the project “One Hour a Year for the Women of the Future”.
With digitalization projects that “provide technological skills to the most vulnerable people, reducing inequality and promoting their social and labor inclusion”.
Committed to the idea that a better society is possible, we are aware that it is in our hands to achieve it.
We try to reduce our environmental impact by limiting the use of paper and plastic in our offices and promoting recycling.
Through our HR plan: Omega Xm;)e we carry out a series of initiatives such as Omega Wellness with the aim of protecting and promoting the health, safety and well-being of our employees and the sustainability of the workplace, within a process of continuous improvement.
We strive to make our workplaces accessible by public transportation and with accessibility.

Commitment to the 2030 Agenda
We incorporate in our corporate strategy the purpose of contributing to the goals (SDGs) of the 2030 agenda developed by the UN.