Omega CRM is recognized as a Community Impact Partner by Salesforce

Omega CRM, A Merkle Company has once again obtained, for the third consecutive year, an award at the Salesforce Spain Recognition Awards, which were held this Tuesday, March 19 at its offices in Madrid. On this occasion, we have received the award in the Community Impact Partner Award category, which makes us especially excited.

This award thus recognizes Omega’s values, which are aligned with those of Salesforce, for our contribution to creating a better society by bringing digitalization closer to people and organizations, in addition to transforming society through business. Also for our contribution in the field of project development for non-profit organizations and educational entities.

The award was collected on behalf of Omega by our colleagues Almudena García Ramírez, Non Profit Client Leads, and Luis Miguel Muñoz, Education & Non Profit Practice Lead, from the hands of Fernando Gallego, Senior RVP of Service Cloud, and Mª Ángeles Santos, RVP of Marketing. Cloud, both from Salesforce.

Luis Miguel Muñoz, who was very happy, thanked Salesforce for this new recognition and commented that “it is a pride that our work in favor of society is rewarded. We have a commitment that is reflected in our commitment to promoting a division specialized in providing specific solutions to this type of educational organizations and entities”.

Learn more about our capabilities with Salesforce here.

If you want to know more, contact us. Our team will be delighted to assist you.

Awards and recognitionSalesforce

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