Fairtrade Ibérica

Traceability of trade activity for Fairtrade Ibérica

The project

Fairtrade is the leading seal in Spain and in the world that certifies Fair Trade products. Working with the goal of achieving sustainable livelihoods for people and the planet. Behind the Fairtrade seal there is an international certification system with which it is intended to guarantee compliance with standards related to the production or supply of a product or ingredient.

The challenge was
  • Managing the information, especially the commercial one, of the local offices, in this case, FAIRTRADE IBÉRICA, in a unified, centralized manner and similar in format to how the rest of the European offices will work, has been one of the main needs shared with Omega.
  • Another of the challenges that we face together has been to achieve the traceability of all the touchpoints that the entity maintains with its stakeholders and to generate a common and standard procedure for managing the different steps that FAIRTRADE IBÉRICA takes when establishing contact with the same.
  • Finally, given the high volume of manual management through office documents, FAIRTRADE could not rely on a reporting system or decision-making dashboards.
Salesforce Nonprofit CRM
We apply solutions

Fairtrade Ibérica relied on Omega, as a Salesforce Premium partner, to carry out the implementation of Salesforce CRM, as a centralizing tool for its commercial management with licensees, NGOs and suppliers, with which it has responded to the indicated requirements through:

  • Centralization of customer, distributor and contact information to provide a 360 vision on a single platform thanks to the NonProfit Success Pack (NPSP) cloud
  • Information and control on commercial and marketing initiatives, recording campaigns and events organized where Fairtrade participates, as well as the response of organizations to them.
  • Creation of reports and comprehensive dashboards with information on the business cycle and on the evolution of sales and achievement of objectives in order to analyze results.
Omega CRM
The results
  • All databases integrated, managed and updated with commercial information, sales, campaigns/events and associated documentation.
  • Business Process Update Review
  • Sales update for the last 3 years
  • Implementation of mechanisms to ensure data quality
  • Prevention and management of duplicates
  • Improvement in the implementation of commercial monitoring of each client with the recording of all interactions.
  • Implementation of business process monitoring reports
  • Event and task reports

If you have any questions or want to tell us something, tell us!
