Prodis Foundation

Comprehensive management of institutional contacts in CRM for NGOs

The project

PRODIS is a foundation, founded in 2000, committed to people with intellectual disabilities to help them in their personal development and their inclusion in the labour market and with their families. Located in the Vicálvaro district of Madrid, it has a Special Employment Centre (CEE) and a Supported Employment unit with which it promotes the social and labour inclusion of these people.

The challenge was

Traditionally, third sector entities seek to offer companies different ways of collaboration that, in addition to adding value to them, allow them to improve their sustainability and diversify their sources of funding.

In Spain, some social entities offer, through their Special Employment Centres, services for companies of a very different nature, with the aim of encouraging the indirect hiring of professionals with disabilities in sheltered environments, and at the same time, strengthening their financing channels.

The purchase and/or contracting of goods and services from Special Employment Centres is promoted thanks to their recognition as an alternative measure to compliance with the General Law on Disability (former LISMI), which obliges all companies with more than 50 employees to hire 2% of people with disabilities or, failing that, to apply alternative measures, such as contracts with CEE.

Due to the diversity of possible operations (donations, contracting and/or outsourcing of services, etc.) and the fact that different areas of the same NGO need to address the same public, PRODIS required a system that would allow them to:

  • Have centralised information and shared knowledge about key people, services offered, meetings held, etc.
  • Eliminate follow-up work through Excel documents that could lead to human error.
  • Improve internal coordination and efficiency of work performed by each department by avoiding duplication in their online and offline interaction with customers.
  • Obtain aggregated reports without duplication by being able to cross-reference data from different sources.
CRM para ONG
We apply solutions

PRODIS chose Omega, a Premium partner, to implement a solution based on the functionalities of the Salesforce NonProfit Success Pack (NPSP). A tool for the management of the entity’s commercial activities, with which they have responded to the challenges encountered:

  1. The entire process in the same CRM.
  2. Follow-up of the life cycle of a collaborator (potential donor company) from the very first interaction.
  3. Traceability of interactions and projects managed with other departments.
  4. Integration of internal communication systems.
  5. Integrated management of the tax return (form 182) and generation of tax relief certificates.
Omega CRM
The results
  • Breaking down silos between departments, and better control of opportunities, their follow-up and the intervention of different people involved, through the creation of common procedures and stages of the “business cycle” in NPSP.
  • Unification and improvement of Board reporting and team effectiveness, reducing reporting times through the use of dashboards and reports.
  • Automation of administrative tasks to add value in the management of Model 182. Its implementation helps the organisation to have the document requested by the Treasury in the corresponding format prepared from the CRM and to generate the tax relief certificates in the same process.
  • Support in the organisation’s change management and in the digitalisation of the Prodis teams.

If you have any questions or want to tell us something, tell us!
